  • tfgdt
    05 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Five - WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄
    2023-07-08   生活


"The fastest way to change how you feel about anything is to change what you're focusing on."

"Even if things are tough, you've got to focus on what you can do, on what you can control."

"... focus on something that's made you happy, something that's made you feel good about yourself or your family or friends. You could focus on something that you're grateful for today. Or you could focus so intensely on the future you're dreaming of that you get excited about it in advance! That will give you the energy to start making things happen."

"What most people do when they start to go into a skid is focus on what they fear—the wall. Instead, you must focus on where you want to go."

"The reason is that as soon as people lose control, they zero in on exactly what they want to avoid—and they connect with it."

"The reality is that whatever you focus on you move toward."

"Often there's a lag time between when you redirect your focus and when your experience catches up. That's all the more reason to start focusing on what you want quickly and not wait any longer to solve the problem."

"Changing focus, making decisions, and changing beliefs—does all this stuff happen overnight? Of course not. Again, it's like building up muscles."

"... when problems come up we focus on solutions, that we focus on where we want to go instead of on what frightens us."

"Whatever you think about most you'll experience."

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